Burger with minced Chicken Patty

And now presenting my all time favorite “Burger”. When in India the best we can get is a KFC or McDonald Burger. I first tasted a change in Burger when I traveled to New York and visited a restaurant in the upper Manhattan. Juicy and moist minced chicken patty topped with lettuce and tomatoes and…

Easy chicken pulao bengali style

This is my 2nd post and this is a main course item. Of course this came as an alternative to my favourite chicken biryani!! chicken biryani at home you need lots of ingredients as well as time in your hand to pull it off nicely. Having a five month old at home, that was not…

Chicken Pizza with Bell pepper and Sweet corn

I must have written and deleted and re-written this line 10 times already. This is my first blog on Tista’s Yummy Kitchen. I love to cook and love to explore new food. My passion for food started when I used to see my mom cook, much like everyone else. My first cooked dish on my…